Thursday, July 17, 2008

Stealing the Internet for Dr. Horrible

I really wanted to see Joss Whedon’s online short series “Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog, but I was Dr. DENIED!

I tried to huddle in the grass behind a business establishment to steal (or rather utilize a small piece of) its wireless as the connection where I live is so bad. But it was a no go – that wireless was Alaska-fast, which isn’t fast enough. I had kind of suspected that, and prepared myself for the disappointment. It takes forever to do things on the internet here. I'll have to wait and see it when I get back to the lower 48.

I’ll take this opportunity to say that the reason I was so interested is because I am a Nathan Fillion and Joss Whedon fan from Firefly and Serenity. Firefly was a short lived SciFi series (think western set in space) which was treated badly and then yanked off the TV before it could find its audience – anyone who I’ve since introduced it to laments the fact that they didn’t know about it when it was on and curses the fact that they are now hooked on a show for which there won’t be any more episodes. Serenity was a movie that took the story a little further. The show and movie also starred the lovely Gina Torres – one of my heroes for being a generally kick ass actor and kicking ass on screen regularly. Hardly any people saw Cleopatra 2525 which came out shortly after Xena Warrior Princess (Lucy Lawless!) – where three women fought to survive (and keep hope alive!) in a futuristic world – literally fighting in what were essentially silver bathing suits. What Hollywood makes women do! But Gina made it work. I think she is underutilized as an actress – but then so many women are.

Oh, for SciFi set in space with good character development! No more Star Trek, Star Trek Next Generation, Firefly, no more Battlestar Galactica – something must come next, right?

I had gotten into watching original Star Trek reruns right before I left for my travels. They are so much fun, and each character is so clearly drawn that you find yourself saying “That’s so Kirk” or “Typical Bones!” (Sometimes I just remember and laugh that in one episode when Bones is helping a pregnant alien up some rocks he says “Damn it, I’m a doctor, not an escalator!” LOVE IT!!!!!!!) Also, William Shatner did a great job, I know people make fun, but he really has a lot of subtle nuance under the bravado that provides comedy, etc. What I also liked was trying to find the overall “message” contained within most episodes as most of them have a strong statement about humanity or some jazz like that.

Three Star Trek Proclamations, and then I will end my SciFi rant:

1. James T. Kirk was totally hot – I’m not surprised all those alien babes went for him – alpha male to the max, and barrel-chested tan body ideal of those times. If he landed on my planet I’d bat my eyelashes and be asking him “Captain, what is to…kiss?” as well.

2. Jean Luc Picard was totally hot – Tea. Earl Grey. Hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If he invited me to his “Ready Room”, I’d so honor my prime directive…to make out with him!

3. The two best theme songs and opening sequences for the Star Trek series are the original Star Trek (for so many obvious reasons) and Voyager (that French horn as the ship passes through rainbow gaseous clouds and plasma or whatever…made me teary every time).

And now I’ll boldly go…

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